See our latest promotionsHigh visibility patrol
High Visibility Patrol is designed to proactively maintain the presence of security during off-peak hours. Checkout our limited time offer:
- 1 Tour – $450
- 2 Tours – $550
- 3 Tours – $650
- 4 Tours – $750

Stop theft & loss from your projects
Eco Friendly Solar Powered Security Trailers designed to detect and deter criminal activity in real time.
For a limited time offer get a Solar Powered Security Trailer and 24 hours of Live Surveillance Monitoring for $2,400 a month.

Catalytic converter theft is on the rise!
Prevent the intent of catalytic converter theft with a solution that protects your fleet in real-time.
It only takes 60 seconds for a thief to steal a catalytic converter. It only takes a few seconds to choose the right security solution.
Don’t be the next victim. Learn how OnView can help protect your business.